100X How to Build Trust and Maximise Influence
On this week's straight-talking smart tech podcast, The Hack hosts Leon, Paul and Dean talk about 100x Leader episode 13
100X How to Build Trust and Maximise Influence
In this episode, Leon, Paul and Dean focus on how to build trust and maximise influence – whether it be in a team or individual context. In particular, the hosts talk about the impact of character and credibility on people’s ability to influence others and inspire them—understanding how morals and values can affect leadership to owning your processes.
What’s discussed?
For this instalment, the team examines how character, chemistry, credibility, and credibility – the four C’s if you will – are essential when it comes to building trust and maximising influence.
First, the team discusses the importance of leading by example rather than for positional power in inspiring others and building trust. By setting an example through strong morals and principles, you’re able to filter these values down your team and foster a positive work culture. For Leon, Paul and Dean, trust isn’t earned through pestering others to comply with your view, but rather channelling your views into how you operate as a leader.
The Hack hosts discuss the role that character and chemistry play in one’s ability to influence others. Who is this person? What do they stand for? What are their values? These preliminary questions help determine whether someone is a good cultural fit. If the characteristics fit the team, you can build on their skills and competency.
The team talks about competency and credibility and how these skills easily translate into strength and power. With competency, you must establish transparent processes and own them. When someone critiques these processes, it’s crucial that you listen and don’t take it personally. You want to show your ability to adapt and get the most out of your interactions with other team members.
Once you have all these characteristics in check, you’re on the road to creating a collaborative team that trusts your opinion and values your influence. This episode of 100X Leader is worth a listen. You can learn more about how to motivate others through your characteristics and set clear examples for those looking to follow in your footsteps. Give it a listen today!
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Tagged as: 100x Leadership, The Hack Podcast
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