New Ways To Lead Business And Marketing.
This week's The Hack episode, hosted by Leon, Paul and Jo, features Laura Greenwood. Her company, Your Lead Generation, works in your sales funnel and supports busineses to generate leads at the level your business needs, either on a one-off project or retained monthly work.
Laura Greenwood - The Hack Podcast
Business and Marketing.
The Hack podcast is back once more, and this time hosts Leon, Paul and Jo talk to their special guest, Laura Greenwood. This particular show aims to discuss new ways to lead business and marketing. There is an emphasis on the timid amongst us and how people with this trait can still thrive within these settings. The podcast draws on some of Laura’s own real-life experiences within this environment.
Lead Generation.
The team look at how literature can influence business practices, and Laura discusses three books that she feels greatly informs those practices. She mentions the influence that Pam Featherston has had regarding personal coaching. Another notable shoutout was Carol Dweck’s work on the mindset used much more generally to prepare oneself for everyday life.
One highlight of the podcast is the quartet’s discussion on the power of intention and what this can do, especially for parents. It stresses the importance of setting yourself clear intentions because if not, what are you ever going to look for or work towards. The example used in the podcast is to look for a green car or a cow on the way to work. It sounds simple here, but these skills can be developed and transferred to a marketing background.
Throughout the podcast, Laura looks back on her career. She highlights the importance of looking back and being able to say that she went for various opportunities and challenged herself. Laura talks about how intention can be applied to this. She intends to look out for opportunities and continue to attempt them throughout her career. It’s more admirable than drifting along without a specific purpose.
The podcast also looks at the importance of building a team and how to achieve this effect. An honourable mention from Greenwood is Chet Holmes’s 12 key strategies to create a sales orientated team. One tactic applied in workshops is to get a team to note down a practical list of what a team doesn’t know about a business. This list is put into a folder, and each week, the sales team examines this list and decides how they can home in on making these features and turn them into a strength.
Tune in to learn more about how to improve market practices today!
Laura and her company, Your Lead Generation, work in your sales funnel and support you to get your world to generate leads at the level your business needs, either on a one-off project or retained monthly work. Your Lead Generation offers comprehensive and transparent telemarketing and outreach package. Some clients need the telemarketing work as part of a very smooth, systemised and automated journey which they have already worked out. Other companies reach out for telemarketing and fuller support to get their world in order and create the prospect journey and lead generation system – every scenario is different.
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