On this week's straight-talking smart tech podcast, The Hack hosts Leon, Paul and Jo are joined by Heidi Dodson 
Strictly Fitness & Wellbeing – Heidi Dodson – Health and Wellbeing Service – Personal Development Counselling /Coaching 
Heidi Dobson is a Life Coach with a Counselling Fitness Mental Health Wellbeing Service, offering one to ones in an attempt to encourage people to invest in themselves and their organisations. Outside of her work as a life coach, she is a national league ballroom dancer and has been doing the sport for 8 years, starting strictly. learning to dance for Dove House Hospice. 
What’s discussed? 
Heidi also used to do gymnastics, but at age 13 she scored 1 on the bars and gave up. Reminiscing, she said: “I got on top of the bars and instead of swinging around underneath, I went straight over the top.” Heidi is now a mum of three. 
At work, Heidi helps people deal with stressful situations such as relationship and career issues by improving health, fitness, positivity and confidence. “I wasted so many years fearing doing stuff and I don’t want to do that anymore. And that’s what I like to teach other people – don’t let fear stop you doing things in your life.” She is transparent about her own experiences of life’s difficulties, in the hope that this will encourage people to talk. 
Heidi believes that going digital due to the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that more people are coming forward to tell their stories. She said, “I just think it’s great that going digital is helping more people come forward. She continues, “I actually just think anybody who’s come to see me is so brave.” Heidi’s favourite quote that she would share with everyone in the world is “It’s good to talk.” Because, as we point out, talking saves lives. 
We asked which book has influenced Heidi’s life in a significant and positive way, and her response was A Man’s Search by psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. She says: “He found hope from really horrendous situations. So, for instance, if somebody died and he got a pair of shoes, that was actually a good thing that happened. So I just absolutely love the fact that he found positives in such a horrendous situation.” 
Tune in to this week’s podcast to hear Heidi’s inspirational backstory and the incredible work she has done since. 
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Tagged as: The Hack Podcast
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